
¿Puede Cumaná ser la ciudad ideal?
¿Cómo cambiar la ciudad que tenemos por la que queremos?
¿Podemos ser una ciudad segura y hermosa?
Mi Cumaná, tu Cumaná, ¡Virtuosa!.

Cuál es el principal problema de Cumaná y su Municipio?

Virtuous Earth!

Brave and Free western civilization, few words from a son of Bolivar.

All of you have sorted the crisis, even worst expected than 1929; I always though that way cause of trust on individuals that love liberty and peace, instead of being negative with ourselves saying that “all the persons around economy are corrupted or dishonest”.
That is true, we are not angels, even religious people of all faith have sins, but what I want to rescue here is that with Faith in human spirit in a positive and mature thinking, with Faith in all congregations and cultures of humanity we can, together, sort “minor” obstacles like economy impurities, that in a better way will be solved inside betters systems each decade more honest, free and ethic.
Our “system” can not over impose in others cultures, simply is the best way until now to develop human trade, exchanges and wealth, but we have to be intelligent enough to respect, recognize and help all human beings on Earth and to reconnect with Nature and its Creatures.
So, if you have trust on free economy to solve many different things, I would bet to get free Cuban economy and skip an historical mistake made in critical times. With that gesture, and like a game, all antifree systems, antinature thinking and antihuman believes, will end an era of mechanical sociology or economy. That aperture to new technologies, goods, commodities, tourists, cultures will change rapidly the way of living in Cuba, but also in countries turning to old lefty rhetoric (Venezuela, Nicaragua) who, instead of modern left parties on Europe, are repeating old mistakes with almost none real progress (even the real intentions are not well known).
I began to think in a plan to my city Cumaná, northeastern Venezuela, on the Caribbean coast, the oldest city of South America (500 years on 2015), called Virtuous Cumaná! We have some hundred ideas for a new city, life, citizenship, sociology, economy based on freedom of every person to choose their philosophical and political lifestyle in a respectful, peaceful, tolerant social dynamics in a friendly environment made of economically and intellectually independent families and individuals, with the help of the best ideas of every time since History began. That freedom of individuals with the respect to minorities, with an State small enough to manage Justice, Security and with the intelligence of accept individuals that are naturally entrepreneurs to aid with Health system, Industries, Education and all areas of human nations, that would create jobs for young people while they develop their ideas for a family enterprise just to earn independence, a matter of human genome.
We can culture the seas, the desserts, the mountains, we can do that in a decade of Hope, stepping aside the shadows of an ending world. It is not only CO2, it is methane of cows (I have on my owns!), it is heavy metals, plastic stuff, nitrous oxides, bad wastewater disposal, it is the causes of poverty and hunger that allows deforestation, burning soils, river contamination. So, if Europe or U.S.A. does not wants immigrants, well, you better begins to construct thousands schools and hospitals in the Sahel and Southern Africa, in Bangladesh, in Haiti, in Ciudad Juarez or in every “quartier” of your own cities who develop new gethos of new systems poor.
It is true that my tiny group of a tiny city does not have the strength of a pressure group on a modern democracy yet, and even that, I begin to dream with a bigger plan called Virtuous Venezuela! To get my homeland an alternative plan (an electoral offer very serious) to polarization orchested from power and from an Antillean big island…
That is only another battle against negativity, hopelessness, evil among some hearts very ills, physiologically speaking); some of my crew are: a young Haitian mind of 83 years old, a former dean of Central University of Venezuela aged too beyond 84, a former Marxist that now embraces liberalism ideas, my younger brother who teach me conservative manners at moral values and liberal laws at economy and so on.
Now I believe it is time to dream with a new World, one of citizens but respectful of rural counterparts, our firsts Homo sapiens, one of Virtuous individuals so intelligent that can talk to any person with different ideas, culture or Faith; one World where expected life is very equal among the continents, one world with metropolis, cities or villages where every person has an activity, not designed by the State but by itself, or a mixed one “si vous voulez”.
We can. We must think positive. Just do not want to call anyway this proposal (it is not a philosophy, not a political view, not a economic recipe: a typical error around Indo-European cultures is to call us the “world”). Even socialism is a western born idea, a bad one in the terms we know this word have been used, but, rethinking the word, we can suggest a new Socialism of third Millennium where all political ideas are accepted in the same city or State, where if ones want to built a Marxist farm the rest would permit, if ones wants to built a Capitalism farm, go ahead, if you want to work for government, just do it, if you want to work at supercompanies, well done. We are intelligent enough to do that, isn’t it? To stimulate social networks, to improve social communications, but with no ones wanting it to conquer the power and obligate us to do what “he” want to “his” poor World idea. No. If this is not possible, we must call for an emergency meeting not at U.N. but for a World Congress of Taxonomy on Zoology, and call us Homo solitarius, Homo occidentalis, Homo orientalis or whatever, but never sapiens…
The only Hope is Love.
God has come many times to every corner on this Earth, only different cultures has picture Him in different ways as many crystals, languages or grade of civilization we have as a biological species. I have chosen Jesus and His Mother, examples, words, ideas, but that does not means ones can imposes its Faith over everyone else, no; I want to gather all Christians to make an extraordinary movement: to know all Faiths and respect them, talking to a Muslim is so nice, remind us the deep respect for the same God; talking with a Jew remind us the longevity and Power of God, talking to Asian religions is beautiful, is the same God viewed in different cultures, talking to native African or American brothers is celestial, pure, nature. Even I will show a deep respect to ideas like appeared in movies (Avatar, Final Fantasy) and if only one person wants to believe in Gaia or in Nature lets respect her/his choice.
So, it is easy. Just talk, laugh, fell the hands, dream, see them in their eyes, respect them, recognize them, work with them, love them and myriad things more, so you will have: a new approach for the use of the word Socialism. It is not a science paper, or book, just an idea that I am sharing with you that I love.

Prof. Mikel Elguezabal, Biologist
January, 2, 2010.